Please join the RIWBA for a conversation on why diversity, equity and inclusion should matter to the Rhode Island legal community.
Our rules of professional conduct require that we practice the law ethically, which includes how we interact with other colleagues and our community. Our discussion will touch upon the demographics of the legal community, the impact that diversity or lack thereof has on the legal sector, ways that lawyers can advocate for more diverse recruitment and retention and much more.
We are pleased to feature the following panelists:
- Kara DiPaola, Sr. Legal Counsel, Office of the General Treasurer, State of Rhode Island
- Angela Bannerman Ankoma, Vice President, Executive Director of Equity Leadership at the Rhode Island Foundation
- Ralph Tavares, Director of Diversity and Outreach at Roger Williams University School of Law
This program has been approved for 1.5 hours of CLE ethics credit (pending)
Hope you can join us. Please RSVP to for this event by June 7, 2021.