Why is digital engagement important? Engaged connections are
four times more likely to refer friends and family to your business, five times more likely
to forgive a negative experience, and more likely to continue doing business with you.
On January 10 (12:00 pm - 1:30 pm), join us for a “lunch and learn” Zoom session
about how to use your digital presence as a relationship marketing tool to help build
awareness about your services, potentially grow your client base, and increase your
network of connections. Our guest presenter is Dennise M. Kowalczyk, a digital
engagement strategist and owner of CTD Creative Consulting. The topics she will
touch on will be the following: Creating a professional brand, crafting an introduction
pitch, leveraging your LinkedIn profile, and how to build your connections through
networking. One lucky attendee will receive a free consultation on their LinkedIn profile
after the session!