RIWBA 2023 Book Club! Is reading more on your list of resolutions for 2023? Luckily the Rhode Island Women’s Bar Association is here to help!
While we are no longer able to offer a CLE accredited book club, we thought it would be fun to offer a member-led book club discussion on a quarterly basis. Each session will be held after business hours at Riff Raff at 60 Valley Street, Unit 107A (in the courtyard) in Providence (www.riffraffpvd.com).
This book club is intended to be a low pressure opportunity for us to get together to socialize and to discuss some great books about the law and/or strong women. Everyone should feel free to attend as many sessions as you would like.
By popular demand (a/k/a the results of our December survey), the book choices for the 2023 RIWBA Book Club are as follows:
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
The Partner Track by Helen Wan
While Justice Sleeps by Stacy Abrams
Dinners with Ruth by Nina Totenberg
Our first session will take place on Thursday, March 9that 5:30 pm (note date change from our prior e-mail) at Riff Raff Bookstore and Bar at 60 Valley Street, #107A, Providence, RI 02909. We will be discussing Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. for our first session. Please RSVP to Leigh Furtado at lfurtado@daypitney.com
Calendar Thursday, March 9nd at 5:30 pm for our first session.